Monday 16 November 2020

Solstice - a Little Solace

s the solstice approaches at the end of this year

When Covid has taken its toll

The lives of our time may have been greatly altered

But goodwill shall keep us whole.

The times are strange, yes indeed I must fairly admit

When masked we must so often be

But the eyes still sparkle brightly above it all

Will a vaccine set us free?

Those of us who live away from the dulling crowds

Are more fortunate than most

Life seems almost normal and relatively free

Here on the Atlantic coast.

But I think of those people all over this planet

Living locked in a red zone

Hungering ever for the company of friends

Far too much time spent alone.

May we all reach out, lending a hand or an ear

Even by phone or email

It doesn’t take much to give a little relief

Though masked, we can still lift the veil.