Saturday 18 April 2020


Charlie was born a princely thing
Not too long before my birth
I was born a common lad
He was born to be a King.

He is now older, as am I
A wise and ponderous soul
Who cares for the ailing earth
The seas and the universal sky.

He’s worked for struggling youth
For more friendly city streets
He’s always been inclusive
A man in search of truth.

From long ago a sage advocate
For a gentler, more sustainable way
Some laughed, oh yes some scoffed
Unheeded, is it now too late.

Charlie was born for princely deeds
A cellist he was at one time
The artist’s brush he uses well
And fine literature he reads.

He is a man for every season
A man of the heart and mighty strong
One who might seem a bit aloof
But definitely a man of reason.

Friday 3 April 2020


A friend who is a noted American poet has just written a poem suggesting that this current pandemic is an "apocalypse political and vague".
My response:

Hmm. Maybe an apocalypse. I'm not sure.
Or is it mother nature telling us we are too many
And too careless for the planet to endure.
Four point two million die a year from pollution.
Only a handful die from this strange disease.
Yes, it has paused us waiting for a solution
At least for now. But do we ever learn?
Sadly I think our memories are too short.
Should we hide or to living now return
And face our fate with dignity
In hope that care and caution temper it.
Some die, some live as it must be.